
Integrity; a key value every Entrepreneur and Leader must possess.

I have observed one major factor affecting entrepreneurs, employees and leaders performance and that factor is not being able to keep their words I.e. lack of integrity. Some even because of money lose integrity, why?

Most times, potential customers would ask you certain questions to test your integrity value and your response would determine the key to keep those customers. Okay, for instance, a potential customer called you on phone, asked how many bags of cements can we get tomorrow and you know you can only provide 10, then you mention 30 all in the name of money, knowingly you cannot meet up.

Fast forward, the next day, your potential customer came around and requested for 20 bags and you were not able to meet up, your voice begin to stammer, your legs begin to shake and you begin to shiver, you feel like you should be buried into the ground. You feel embarrassed and your potential customer feel disappointed. However, you may have just lose one loyal customer due to lack of integrity.

Integrity place one in high value and its the core of all solid businesses or endeavours. To avoid complications in business, one needs integrity and it determines your credibility or reputation. More so, this is not limited to business alone, it cut across all disciplines. Be truthful always; do not tell people what you cannot do. I can move a mountain, whereas you can only move a pen. So, my dear Entrepreneurs, Leaders and Youths, whenever you find yourself in integrity demand situations, ask yourself the following questions;

1. Does it worth it?

2. Am I putting my integrity and credibility at stake?

3. How will the person feel, if he finds out that I lied?

Ultimately, in conducting any transaction, your public image is important, your integrity and credibility/reputation is at stake.

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